sailing history exhibition

Sailing History Exhibition in the Blue Ribbon PORT

In the central building of the Kékszalag PORT, a unique, free to visit, but registration-required Sailing History Exhibition awaits those interested.

In terms of appearance, the presentation can be divided into two parts. A traditional exhibition with the presentation of archival and memorable photos, as well as plaques documenting competitions, took place. A separate tableau shows the history of the largest lake-skimming competition in Central Europe, the namesake of the facility, the Blue Ribbon competition. The exhibition includes cups from former competitions, as well as Olympic and championship medals.

The history of domestic sailing, sailing and shipping is presented in a digital presentation consisting of more than a hundred tableaus in the Kékszalag PORT Balaton hall.

8230 Balatonfüred, Anna sétány 7. • +36300118199 •

2 °C Overcast clouds
Szél: 4.92m/s K