About noun

A 140-160 km navigational competition - without touching the coast - requires a lot of attention, boat preparation, sailing knowledge and the whole person. It is precisely for these sailing virtues that the Hungária Yacht Club wishes to hold a competition, the first prize of which would be the blue ribbon of Balaton."

The Blue Ribbon is Balaton's most traditional sailing race, which has been continuously renewed during its more than eighty years of existence. It is a tradition, for example, that the competition always takes place on the July weekend closest to the full moon. For a long time, the start was on Friday morning, but lately it has been moved to Thursday, but the time remains the same: nine o'clock in the morning. At first there was no time limit, but later a forty-eight hour limit was introduced. Therefore, those who do not reach the finish line by nine on Saturday morning have struggled in vain! Over the years, the range of ships that were allowed to sail has also changed continuously. In 1934, any sailing boat could compete. Later, jollés (fast, light, single-hull ships with fins) were excluded from this circle, and then smaller capital-weight sailboats (such as starships) met this fate. The last fifteen years have been about the "admission" of multihull ships, and it is possible that in the next ten years ships using underwater wings will be at the center of the debate.

From 1934 to 1942 it is held every two years in even years, from 1947 to 2001 every two years in odd years, and annually from 2001. At the Blue Ribbon held in 2013, only single-hull boats competed for the last time, which until then had made up the field in odd-numbered years, and the restrictions on categories were abolished in subsequent competitions.

8230 Balatonfüred, Anna sétány 7. • +36300118199 • info@kekszalagport.hu

2 °C Overcast clouds
Szél: 3.58m/s K