INVESTMENT - GINOP 7.1.2-15-2016-00013

In addition to the comprehensive development of tourist sailing on Lake Balaton, the aim of the project is to connect the various modes of travel (canoeing, cycling, nature walks, sailing and horse riding) into a network of shared stops. This form enables tourists to reach popular tourism destinations by practicing any walking method, and also becomes an integrated part of the long-term concept of touring sailing. Together with the coastal infrastructure, the harbor part can serve the purposes of the Hungarian Sailing Association and the Hungarian Kayak-Canoe Association. The Balatonfüred City Municipality has provided space for the central facility in Balatonfüred, in the Balatonfüred Camping area, approx. 1.2 ha area.

The aim of the MVSZ is to ensure that those who have long been committed to touring sailing and the newer sailors are not separated from each other, even if the latter's primary goal is to visit the country's tourist destinations, and in the process they come into contact with touring sailing. This will help the new sailing public to fit in. That is, as a point of alignment, the Association provides quality assurance - Anchored (unified) qualification system - and organizational and access assistance in the field of tourism and related services (ports, boat and equipment rental). The program's improvements not only increase the number of visitors and the amount of spending, but also level seasonal fluctuations and increase the length of the season by offering other tourist attractions.

MKKSZ, as the comprehensive civil organization of the Hungarian kayak-canoe world, has implemented significant service development in the field of water sports over the past 10 years. The development of services related to active tourism and the organization of leisure events appears as a priority development task in the sport development strategy of MKKSZ adopted in 2012. The goals defined in the strategy of the MKKSZ are in line with the objectives of the Economic Development and Innovation Operative Program (GINOP) 7.1.2-15-2016-00013 - Infrastructure of active tourism networks" call, as well as the priorities of Government Decision 1184/2013 (IV.9). As part of the active tourism network development program, we intend to develop a network of water tour stops on the Danube, Lake Velence, Lake Balaton, Tisza and Körös rivers.

The development of water tourism on Lake Balaton is characterized by the implementation of developments that cross the borders of several counties. It forms a unified network with project elements and services affecting the Central Transdanubia, West Transdanubia and South Transdanubia regions (Zala, Vas, Somogy counties), thus creating a marketable offer.

The aim of the investment is to make the possibility of getting to know water sports available to as many visitors as possible, therefore, in addition to the Kékszalag PORT, it is possible to try out and rent water sports equipment in several nearby marinas and sports clubs. Visitors can indicate this request at least 14 days before the visit to the email address!


8230 Balatonfüred, Anna sétány 7. • +36300118199 •

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Szél: 3.58m/s K